Block the Win 10 style Data Gathering from Windows 7/8/Server2008

Microsoft Windows 10 has some pretty intrusive data gathering built into the operating system.   It collects anonymous and not-so-anonymous data from users of the Operating System.   Today, MS released 4 Optional Updates to bring the Win 10 Style Telemetry and Data Gathering to previous versions of Windows.

The 4 updates are:


MS Fanboys will claim there’s nothing personal that MS takes… but I say, do you really trust them?
People will claim ios and android already do this… but I say, why give them anything about your self at all if you can avoid it?
Many say we already post about ourselves online in social media… For those of us who don’t, I say don’t apply these updates .

To block them, you simply hide the updates in Windows Update.
Got to the Control Panel -> Windows Updates or START -> Search -> Windows Update

Select Optional Updates
Block win 7 Data gathering 1

Right Click each of the 4 updates and select ‘Hide Updates’
Block win 7 Data gathering 2

Hit OK and that’s it. Gone until MS tries to sneak it in again down the road.

Another option is to use this OpenSource Program to disable the tracking:

Lastly, If you already installed the KBs, you can uninstall them directly from the “Programs and Features” in Control Panel.

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