Using Boto3 to find Users and HostRoles with certain AWS Policy

Recently I was asked to scour multiple AWS accounts to find any users or host role that had the S3FullAccess policy applied.    So I came up with the following that will go through all users and roles to identify the ones with the S3FullAccess policy assigned. You can use this… Continue reading

How to Setup a GPS PPS NTP Time server on Raspberry Pi

The South Florida Amateur Astronomers Association is currently working on a project to coordinate multiple Radio Telescope collection points.   This would require very precise time stamps on recorded data, much more accurate than what public NTP server pools could deliver.     So we successfully built as close to… Continue reading

How to Install OwnCloud to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

This quick how-to steps you through a simple installation of OwnCloud to a Ubuntu 14.04 server. First, you need some prereqs: sudo apt-get install php5-gd mysql-server To begin, you need to add the repository for ownCloud for ubuntu 14.04. wget -nv -O Release.key apt-key add – < Release.key Next,… Continue reading

How to Install Universal Media Server UMS on Ubuntu in Headless mode for 14.04 or 16.04

Updated for Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 03-15-18 Universal Media Server is a fork off the very useful PS3 and PS4 Media Server. And although the PS3MediaServer was a great solution, it did have some shortcomings, especially with certain file formats or file containers. I tried UMS and loved it. It… Continue reading

StrongSwan Ipsec VPN for Remote Users with Certificate Based Authentication

This is a working strongswan ipsec config that can be used for a roadwarrior setup for remote users utilizing certificate based authentication instead of id/pw. This is a pure IPSEC with ESP setup, not L2tp. This is not 2 factor, it is cert only. To get started: sudo apt-get install… Continue reading

Replace Outlook Mail, Contacts, and Calendar with Thunderbird

My company uses MS Exchange 2013 for mail, contacts, calendars, and tasks. However, we have a lot of users on LInux desktops that can’t run Outlook. For others, the new Outlook 2013 is a horrible monstrosity of Flat icons on all all white background that burns your eyes after a… Continue reading