Sickbeard Notifications to an Android Phone using Notify My Android App

Now that I have a working Sickbeard installation and the media is being collected, the next step was to setup notifications so that I know when a download has completed.

Sickbeard has support for “Notify my Android” so I decided to give it a shot. I’m posting the setup here because the setup wasn’t 100% obvious to me. So I hope this helps someone out.

So Step 1 is to download the Notify My Android App from the Google Play Store.

After downloading the app to your Android phone, on the 1st launch, you will be prompted to logon or create an account. This was very straight forward. Pick a username, password, give it an email, and you are done.

Sickbeard NMA notifications require an API key. After searching my phone’s app for the key I found out that it must be generated online at their website.

Logon to
Click on “My Account” -> “Manage API Keys”
Click the button to “Generate New Key”.
Copy this key.

Now go to your SickBeard Install.   Goto CONFIG -> NOTIFICATIONS.  Scroll down until you see the Notify my Android section.

Check the box to enable NMA notifications.
Check the box to Notify on Download to let you know when a show is completed.
Paste in the API key from the NMA webpage into the API field.
Set your desired priority.

Test and Save when done.

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5 Responses to Sickbeard Notifications to an Android Phone using Notify My Android App

  1. Tom says:

    Thanks Mike
    You are right that it is not obvious. All working now.

  2. B says:

    cheers, i got stuck at the api key. would be so simple if there was a place to do it on the app

  3. mzpx70 says:

    Many thanks!!!

  4. Wanderson says:

    Muito obrigado (Many thanks!)!

  5. Kareltje says:

    When I click the test button it just keeps loading. No notification is send to me. When I use the test messageservice from nma then is does work. Does anyone have idea why this may happen?

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